Ok, I will open up…

the rebel that couldn’t stop making art !

The best way to start this would be to tell you about my childhood. Yep, I couldn’t sit still. It was early days so the days of assessing children weren’t really that popular (80’s were tough). Although I did go to get my hearing tested a few times (LOL).

My parents worked out the only way to get me to stop bouncing off the walls were to put me in-front of a TV (only had one so that was hard), playing the Atari, going outside to do whatever I liked or simply letting me draw. Doing art would quiet my mind and give me so much enjoyment, especially when I got better. 

I used to go to my Mum’s receptionist job when my Grandma couldn’t baby sit me. There I spent the entire 8 hour shifts, under the desk drawing. Never got bored, unlimited paper and waving at the working ladies when they went on lunch breaks.

Teenage Years

When I got to High School I had already covered my books in Graffiti and met other artistic friends. I spent way too much time clowning around in class yet the Graphics and Art classes by far were my favourite. So much so, I would go in the school studios and paint and draw at lunch times for fun and the build up my portfolio. Even doing large murals on the chalkboards with lots of colours (yep the chalk days!)


I was told there are no jobs being an Artist, so I went with my other passion, animals. I studied Biological Sciences, which then led to Honours in Microbiology. OK, I’m a nerd if I have the passion. Then I realised I was going to be trapped in a laboratory with no music and everything will be white. EXIT!

My first painting after High School

So I’m feeling the urge to get into art again. I walk past an art store and double back. That’s it, I’m getting some art supplies, 20 minutes before they close. I buy a few canvas, paints in primary colours, black and white. A few brushes too. The next day I make an artwork, not just any artwork. The artwork that starts them all. I was so stunned I just sat back and thought, there is more here. I have to investigate this further. I was so certain that I kept this artwork and still have it today. Back to the story. So I paint another the next day, and then, I can’t stop.

eBay days

So if your painting is good, your friends say its great. I wanted the opinion of people I didn’t know. So I shared it with the world. From no-one to giving it a crack. Well, the weird thing happened. People loved it straight away. Asking for commissions, every painting selling. It turned into a hobby with benefits quickly. I great boost in confidence from people giving me their hand earned money for a piece of my work. Unimaginable, at this stage. So it went on and on, along with my styles growing, 

Melbourne Vic Art Market

I somehow got into this market even though there was a 2 year wait. So difficult stall holder got kicked out and they tried me out. It worked. The most amazing thing was that I was selling to locals and people from all over the whole, and that meant I was an international artist (all of a sudden in my eyes). I was here for 3 years.


A very lucky connection better Graysonline happen for me when I recached out to ask them how their website worked, they called me back and said they don’t deal with artist and yet would make an exception for me because they liked my work. So I made 5 similar artworks to the ones I had online for them. They all Sold that week. What the…? I instantly dropped everything and went full till in partnership with them. I sold over 2000 artworks with them over several years. It was the best time for my experimentation as everything I made Sold. I was getting feedback every week in what I was doing right and wrong, a golden opportunity for an artist. 






Coffees per day

(double shots)




Happy clients

More focus on art commissions

So after making so many artworks I wanted to focus on larger artworks and art commissions. The eBay market became too cheap and small, so did Graysonline. 


Art Expo Life

I have run art expos in Melbourne and Sydney. Booked stands purely for myself and somehow they have been great every time. They are a huge process so I tend to go for small shows where I don’t need to hang around lately. I met so many customers that not only liked and bought my work, they called me over for commissions. It does make the year very busy. Not the pace I want to be in for the moment. 


Read more about my Artist Life Today…

artist in studio